What are tags?

Each customer profile in Vero can have many tags.

Tags are useful in situations where you want a customer profile to relate to many potential values. A good example would be customer preferences. For example, you might want customers to manually keep tabs on which customers are interseted in shoes, skirts and trousers. You could append tags to a customer's profile and use these tags to create segments.

When creating your tags, they should contain no spaces or punctuation other than - and _.

Tags are a powerful way to enhance segmentation. They are useful for creating preference centres, emulating static lists or use Vero as a lightweight CRM, as tags can also be added inside Vero's user interface.

Adding tags

Tags can be added in three ways:

  1. Using Vero's API. You can refer to our API documentation for more information.

  2. Using CSV imports. See the section titled Creating static lists with tags below.

  3. Via the UI. When browsing a customer's profile in Vero, browse to the Tags tab and select the New Tag button to add a tag.

Removing tags

Tags can be removed in two ways:

  1. Using Vero's API. You can refer to our API documentation for more information.

  2. Via the UI. When browsing a customer's profile in Vero, browse to the Tags tab and select the dropdown next to a tag and choose Delete.

Creating static lists with tags

A common usage of tags is to import and segment a static group of customers.

You can import a CSV with a tags column, tagging each of the users with a tag, or tags, you specify. You can then create a segment using this tag and send out a newsletter.

Adding multiple tags is possible by keeping one tags column and simply separating each tag with a semicolon.


  • Rae Mack
    Customer Support Manager