What are customer properties?

Customer properties are attributes that are attached as data to a user. A customer can have multiple properties which are located on their profile.

You often get this data when a customer signs up to your site, fills out a survey or passes an order. These properties are key in Vero and let you segment your customer base with granularity.

Vero has reserved some properties:

Attribute (type) Description
id (String) The unique identifier of the customer
email (String) The email address of the customer
first_name (String) The first name of the customer
last_name (String) The last name of the customer
last_name (String) The last name of the customer
gender (String) The gender of the customer
age (Number) The age of the customer
birthday (Date) The birthdate of the customer. We recommend the ISO_8601 format but also accept UNIX timestamps for convenience.
phone (String) The phone number of the customer
description (String) The description of the customer like their bio.
title (String) The title of the customer like "VP of Marketing"
username (String) The username of the customer
website (String) The customer’s website
created_at (Date) The date the customer was first created. We recommend the ISO_8601 format but also accept UNIX timestamps for convenience. Generated by Vero if not provided. It cannot be updated.
tags (List) List of the tags assigned to that customers, if any.
locale (String) The locale that define the customer’s language and country in the following format en_AU for Australian English.
city (String) The city of the customer
country_code (String) The country code of the customer
country (String) The country of the customer
latitude (String) The latitude of the customer
longitude (String) The longitude of the customer
postal_code (String) The postal code of the customer
region (String) The region of the customer
timezone (Integer) The timezone of the customer


  • Chris Hexton
    CEO and Co-Founder