How to sign into Vero Connect as a Vero Cloud user

Connect is a brand new product from Vero, rebuilt from the ground up . If you're a current Vero Cloud user you do not need to sign up to Vero Connect separately: you can access both of Vero's products (Connect and Cloud) with the same user account.

However, if you already have a Cloud user account but that account does not have Administrator-level access to Vero Cloud then you cannot login to Vero Connect using the same credentials at this time (single-sign on option coming soon!). In this scenario you will have to create a Vero Connect account using a different email address.

If your user account has Administrator-level access to Vero Cloud you can use this user account to login to Vero Connect.

Signing in to Connect as a Cloud user

To use your current user account to sign in to Vero Connect:

  • Go to the Vero homepage.
  • Select Login.
  • Select Vero Connect.
  • Enter your current user account details (i.e. the same email and password or Google credentails you use to sign into Vero Cloud).
  • You're in!

Vero Connect workspaces are completely separate from Vero Cloud workspaces.


  • Rory Colsell
    Head of Design