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Vero 1.0
Learn the ins and outs of creating and sending messages using Vero's automated Workflows.
Creating and updating workflows
Creating a workflow
Making changes to a live workflow
Organizing and tagging email campaigns
Using the email message node
Adding content to an email campaign
Preheader text
Adding To and From email addresses
Drag and Drop email content
HTML email content
Rich Text email content
Plain Text email content
HTML vs Plain Text
Adding custom HTML to a drag and drop email template
How do email previews and live emails differ?
Using snippets in the drag and drop editor
Media Queries (@media)
Inlining CSS styles
List of Liquid functions / dynamic templating variables
Using the push message node
Creating mobile push messages
List of Liquid functions / dynamic templating variables
Advanced message node settings
Create a multi-language campaign
Localization strategies
Using the Advanced section of a campaign
Advanced workflow settings
Using advanced scope conditions
Rae Mack
Customer Support Manager
Reba Moyes
Head of Customer Success
Chris Hexton
CEO and Co-Founder
Rory Colsell
Head of Design