Create a multi-language campaign

It is possible to send multi-language campaigns in Vero. Using the multi-language feature of Vero you can create multiple language versions of an email which include localised content for each language you want to send your campaign in. This feature is best suited if you have already translated your content to multiple languages.

In order to tell which language version of an email to send to your customers, Vero reserves the locale property for each customer.

For example: If a customer has the property locale set to es then Vero will assign the user to receive the es language variation you set up. Learn more about customer properties.

Note: Vero does not offer a translation service, multi-language campaigns are best suited for campaigns that have already been translated. For translation services, check out: Transifex or Smartling

Creating a new multi-language campaign

To create a new multi-langauge campaign follow these steps:

  1. Create a new campaign (mutli-language emails are available on any type of campaign).
  2. Setup your campaign as you normally would, with your entire list of users to begin with.
  3. This first variation will be your "default language". This is essentially the control email and will contain the conditions with which the language variations are built from. If most of your users are english speaking, we recommend using the first (default) language version as english. This means that if a customer doesn’t have a locale set then they will still receive the english version.
  4. Click on the 'Enable Languages' option. vero.enable-languages
  5. Add a language version to this campaign by hitting '+ Add Languages'. vero.add-language
  6. Choose the language you want this content version to be sent to. Any customer with the corresponding locale will be sent that version of the email. vero.add-language-locale

Adding languages to an existing campaign

If you are adding language variations to an existing workflow or behavioural campaign, please be aware that if the campaign has been launched, any changes woulc automatically be live for your customers.

To edit an existing campaign you can pause the campaign, edit as above and then un-pause the campaign.

Or alternately you can add a condition to your default content that will ensure no users receive the language variations until they are completed. Typically we recommend adding the locale property of the default language. So if your default language is English add the condition "has property locale equal to en".

This will ensure only English users receive the content and this content will be your default variation.

When you are ready to go live with your language variations, remove this condition and users will start being sent the correct content.

For working with dates and timestamps

We provide a with_locale filter that will format the date in the language of the locale passed to the filter.

purchase_date = "2015-04-01 11:33"
{{ purchase_date | with_locale: '%Y %b %H:%M', 'es-MX' }} => 2024 abr 11:33

You can also pass it a user property.

purchase_date = "2015-04-01 11:33"
user.locale = "es-MX"

{{ purchase_date | with_locale: '%Y %b %H:%M', user.locale }} => 2024 abr 11:33

Language Codes

Listed below are the codes that should be used on the locale customer property:

Language Code
Afrikaans (Namibia) af-NA
Afrikaans (South Africa) af-ZA
Afrikaans af
Akan (Ghana) ak-GH
Akan ak
Albanian (Albania) sq-AL
Albanian sq
Amharic (Ethiopia) am-ET
Amharic am
Arabic (Algeria) ar-DZ
Arabic (Bahrain) ar-BH
Arabic (Egypt) ar-EG
Arabic (Iraq) ar-IQ
Arabic (Jordan) ar-JO
Arabic (Kuwait) ar-KW
Arabic (Lebanon) ar-LB
Arabic (Libya) ar-LY
Arabic (Morocco) ar-MA
Arabic (Oman) ar-OM
Arabic (Qatar) ar-QA
Arabic (Saudi Arabia) ar-SA
Arabic (Sudan) ar-SD
Arabic (Syria) ar-SY
Arabic (Tunisia) ar-TN
Arabic (United Arab Emirates) ar-AE
Arabic (Yemen) ar-YE
Arabic ar
Armenian (Armenia) hy-AM
Armenian hy
Assamese (India) as-IN
Assamese as
Asu (Tanzania) asa-TZ
Asu asa
Azerbaijani az
Bambara (Mali) bm-ML
Bambara bm
Basque (Spain) eu-ES
Basque eu
Belarusian (Belarus) be-BY
Belarusian be
Bemba (Zambia) bem-ZM
Bemba bem
Bena (Tanzania) bez-TZ
Bena bez
Bengali (Bangladesh) bn-BD
Bengali (India) bn-IN
Bengali bn
Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) bs-BA
Bosnian bs
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) bg-BG
Bulgarian bg
Burmese (Myanmar [Burma]) my-MM
Burmese my
Catalan (Spain) ca-ES
Catalan ca
Central Morocco Tamazight tzm
Cherokee (United States) chr-US
Cherokee chr
Chiga (Uganda) cgg-UG
Chiga cgg
Chinese (Simplified Han) zh-Hans
Chinese (Simplified Han China) zh-Hans-CN
Chinese (Simplified Han Hong Kong SAR China) zh-Hans-HK
Chinese (Simplified Han Macau SAR China) zh-Hans-MO
Chinese (Simplified Han Singapore) zh-Hans-SG
Chinese (Traditional Han) zh-Hant
Chinese (Traditional Han Hong Kong SAR China) zh-Hant-HK
Chinese (Traditional Han Macau SAR China) zh-Hant-MO
Chinese (Traditional Han Taiwan) zh-Hant-TW
Chinese zh
Cornish (United Kingdom) kw-GB
Cornish kw
Croatian (Croatia) hr-HR
Croatian hr
Czech (Czech Republic) cs-CZ
Czech cs
Danish (Denmark) da-DK
Danish da
Dutch (Belgium) nl-BE
Dutch (Netherlands) nl-NL
Dutch nl
Embu (Kenya) ebu-KE
Embu ebu
English (American Samoa) en-AS
English (Australia) en-AU
English (Belgium) en-BE
English (Belize) en-BZ
English (Botswana) en-BW
English (Canada) en-CA
English (France) en-FR
English (Guam) en-GU
English (Germany) en-DE
English (Hong Kong SAR China) en-HK
English (India) en-IN
English (Ireland) en-IE
English (Jamaica) en-JM
English (Malta) en-MT
English (Marshall Islands) en-MH
English (Mauritius) en-MU
English (Namibia) en-NA
English (Netherlands) en-NL
English (New Zealand) en-NZ
English (Northern Mariana Islands) en-MP
English (Pakistan) en-PK
English (Philippines) en-PH
English (Singapore) en-SG
English (South Africa) en-ZA
English (Trinidad and Tobago) en-TT
English (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands) en-UM
English (U.S. Virgin Islands) en-VI
English (United Kingdom) en-GB
English (United States) en-US
English (Zimbabwe) en-ZW
English en
Esperanto eo
Estonian (Estonia) et-EE
Estonian et
Ewe (Ghana) ee-GH
Ewe (Togo) ee-TG
Ewe ee
Faroese (Faroe Islands) fo-FO
Faroese fo
Filipino (Philippines) fil-PH
Filipino fil
Finnish (Finland) fi-FI
Finnish fi
French (Belgium) fr-BE
French (Benin) fr-BJ
French (Burkina Faso) fr-BF
French (Burundi) fr-BI
French (Cameroon) fr-CM
French (Canada) fr-CA
French (Central African Republic) fr-CF
French (Chad) fr-TD
French (Comoros) fr-KM
French (Congo - Brazzaville) fr-CG
French (Congo - Kinshasa) fr-CD
French (Côte d’Ivoire) fr-CI
French (Djibouti) fr-DJ
French (Equatorial Guinea) fr-GQ
French (France) fr-FR
French (Gabon) fr-GA
French (Guadeloupe) fr-GP
French (Guinea) fr-GN
French (Luxembourg) fr-LU
French (Madagascar) fr-MG
French (Mali) fr-ML
French (Martinique) fr-MQ
French (Monaco) fr-MC
French (Niger) fr-NE
French (Rwanda) fr-RW
French (Réunion) fr-RE
French (Saint Barthélemy) fr-BL
French (Saint Martin) fr-MF
French (Senegal) fr-SN
French (Switzerland) fr-CH
French (Togo) fr-TG
French fr
Fulah (Senegal) ff-SN
Fulah ff
Galician (Spain) gl-ES
Galician gl
Ganda (Uganda) lg-UG
Ganda lg
Georgian (Georgia) ka-GE
Georgian ka
German (Austria) de-AT
German (Belgium) de-BE
German (Germany) de-DE
German (Liechtenstein) de-LI
German (Luxembourg) de-LU
German (Switzerland) de-CH
German de
Greek (Cyprus) el-CY
Greek (Greece) el-GR
Greek el
Gujarati (India) gu-IN
Gujarati gu
Gusii (Kenya) guz-KE
Gusii guz
Hausa ha
Hawaiian (United States) haw-US
Hawaiian haw
Hebrew (Israel) he-IL
Hebrew he
Hindi (India) hi-IN
Hindi hi
Hungarian (Hungary) hu-HU
Hungarian hu
Icelandic (Iceland) is-IS
Icelandic is
Igbo (Nigeria) ig-NG
Igbo ig
Indonesian (Indonesia) id-ID
Indonesian id
Irish (Ireland) ga-IE
Irish ga
Italian (Italy) it-IT
Italian (Switzerland) it-CH
Italian it
Japanese (Japan) ja-JP
Japanese ja
Kabuverdianu (Cape Verde) kea-CV
Kabuverdianu kea
Kabyle (Algeria) kab-DZ
Kabyle kab
Kalaallisut (Greenland) kl-GL
Kalaallisut kl
Kalenjin (Kenya) kln-KE
Kalenjin kln
Kamba (Kenya) kam-KE
Kamba kam
Kannada (India) kn-IN
Kannada kn
Kazakh kk
Khmer (Cambodia) km-KH
Khmer km
Kikuyu (Kenya) ki-KE
Kikuyu ki
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) rw-RW
Kinyarwanda rw
Konkani (India) kok-IN
Konkani kok
Korean (South Korea) ko-KR
Korean ko
Koyra Chiini (Mali) khq-ML
Koyra Chiini khq
Koyraboro Senni (Mali) ses-ML
Koyraboro Senni ses
Langi (Tanzania) lag-TZ
Langi lag
Latvian (Latvia) lv-LV
Latvian lv
Lithuanian (Lithuania) lt-LT
Lithuanian lt
Luo (Kenya) luo-KE
Luo luo
Luyia (Kenya) luy-KE
Luyia luy
Macedonian (Macedonia) mk-MK
Macedonian mk
Machame (Tanzania) jmc-TZ
Machame jmc
Makonde (Tanzania) kde-TZ
Makonde kde
Malagasy (Madagascar) mg-MG
Malagasy mg
Malay (Brunei) ms-BN
Malay (Malaysia) ms-MY
Malay ms
Malayalam (India) ml-IN
Malayalam ml
Maltese (Malta) mt-MT
Maltese mt
Manx (United Kingdom) gv-GB
Manx gv
Marathi (India) mr-IN
Marathi mr
Masai (Kenya) mas-KE
Masai (Tanzania) mas-TZ
Masai mas
Meru (Kenya) mer-KE
Meru mer
Morisyen (Mauritius) mfe-MU
Morisyen mfe
Nama (Namibia) naq-NA
Nama naq
Nepali (India) ne-IN
Nepali (Nepal) ne-NP
Nepali ne
North Ndebele (Zimbabwe) nd-ZW
North Ndebele nd
Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) nb-NO
Norwegian Bokmål nb
Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) nn-NO
Norwegian Nynorsk nn
Nyankole (Uganda) nyn-UG
Nyankole nyn
Oriya (India) or-IN
Oriya or
Oromo (Ethiopia) om-ET
Oromo (Kenya) om-KE
Oromo om
Pashto (Afghanistan) ps-AF
Pashto ps
Persian (Afghanistan) fa-AF
Persian (Iran) fa-IR
Persian fa
Polish (Poland) pl-PL
Polish pl
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
Portuguese (Guinea-Bissau) pt-GW
Portuguese (Mozambique) pt-MZ
Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT
Portuguese pt
Punjabi (Arabic) pa-Arab
Punjabi (Arabic Pakistan) pa-Arab-PK
Punjabi (Gurmukhi) pa-Guru
Punjabi (Gurmukhi India) pa-Guru-IN
Punjabi pa
Romanian (Moldova) ro-MD
Romanian (Romania) ro-RO
Romanian ro
Romansh (Switzerland) rm-CH
Romansh rm
Rombo (Tanzania) rof-TZ
Rombo rof
Russian (Moldova) ru-MD
Russian (Russia) ru-RU
Russian (Ukraine) ru-UA
Russian ru
Rwa (Tanzania) rwk-TZ
Rwa rwk
Samburu (Kenya) saq-KE
Samburu saq
Sango (Central African Republic) sg-CF
Sango sg
Sena (Mozambique) seh-MZ
Sena seh
Serbian sr
Shona (Zimbabwe) sn-ZW
Shona sn
Sichuan Yi (China) ii-CN
Sichuan Yi ii
Sinhala (Sri Lanka) si-LK
Sinhala si
Slovak (Slovakia) sk-SK
Slovak sk
Slovenian (Slovenia) sl-SI
Slovenian sl
Soga (Uganda) xog-UG
Soga xog
Somali (Djibouti) so-DJ
Somali (Ethiopia) so-ET
Somali (Kenya) so-KE
Somali (Somalia) so-SO
Somali so
Spanish (Argentina) es-AR
Spanish (Bolivia) es-BO
Spanish (Chile) es-CL
Spanish (Colombia) es-CO
Spanish (Costa Rica) es-CR
Spanish (Dominican Republic) es-DO
Spanish (Ecuador) es-EC
Spanish (El Salvador) es-SV
Spanish (Equatorial Guinea) es-GQ
Spanish (Guatemala) es-GT
Spanish (Honduras) es-HN
Spanish (Latin America) es-419
Spanish (Mexico) es-MX
Spanish (Nicaragua) es-NI
Spanish (Panama) es-PA
Spanish (Paraguay) es-PY
Spanish (Peru) es-PE
Spanish (Puerto Rico) es-PR
Spanish (Spain) es-ES
Spanish (United States) es-US
Spanish (Uruguay) es-UY
Spanish (Venezuela) es-VE
Spanish es
Swahili (Kenya) sw-KE
Swahili (Tanzania) sw-TZ
Swahili sw
Swedish (Finland) sv-FI
Swedish (Sweden) sv-SE
Swedish sv
Swiss German (Switzerland) gsw-CH
Swiss German gsw
Tachelhit (Tifinagh) shi-Tfng
Tachelhit (Tifinagh Morocco) shi-Tfng-MA
Tachelhit shi
Taita (Kenya) dav-KE
Taita dav
Tamil (India) ta-IN
Tamil (Sri Lanka) ta-LK
Tamil ta
Telugu (India) te-IN
Telugu te
Teso (Kenya) teo-KE
Teso (Uganda) teo-UG
Teso teo
Thai (Thailand) th-TH
Thai th
Tibetan (China) bo-CN
Tibetan (India) bo-IN
Tibetan bo
Tigrinya (Eritrea) ti-ER
Tigrinya (Ethiopia) ti
Tigrinya ti
Tonga (Tonga) to-TO
Tonga to
Turkish (Turkey) tr-TR
Turkish tr
Ukrainian (Ukraine) uk-UA
Ukrainian uk
Urdu (India) ur-IN
Urdu (Pakistan) ur-PK
Urdu ur
Uzbek (Arabic) uz-Arab
Uzbek (Arabic Afghanistan) uz-Arab-AF
Uzbek uz
Vietnamese (Vietnam) vi-VN
Vietnamese vi
Vunjo (Tanzania) vun-TZ
Vunjo vun
Welsh (United Kingdom) cy-GB
Welsh cy
Yoruba (Nigeria) yo-NG
Yoruba yo
Zulu (South Africa) zu-ZA
Zulu zu


  • Chris Hexton
    CEO and Co-Founder