Install the Vero tracking script

The recommended way to get your data into Vero is to use one of our API libraries to track users and events (users' actions or activity) in real time. You can then use all of this tracked data to automate and send targeted emails. Most businesses use our Javascript library because it is fast and simple to install on your website or application.

If you don't want to use a Javascript tracking, we also have libraries for Ruby, PHP, iOS and more. Get all the details at

Its also possible to track customer data and events to Vero using our integration or by using Google tag manager.

For this article we'll assume that javascript is the easiest way to get data from your website or application into Vero.

1. Install the Vero Javascript library

Get started by adding the main Vero Javascript snippet into your website above the </head> tag on every page. Note that you're welcome to do this using Google tag manager, Vero's Javascript Library fully supports this.

var _veroq = _veroq || [];
_veroq.push(['init', { api_key: '[your api key here]'} ]);

(function() {var ve = document.createElement('script'); ve.type = 'text/javascript'; ve.async = true; ve.src = '//'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ve, s);})();

Log into your Vero account and visit the settings to obtain your tracking key.

2. Identify a customer

Add users to your Vero account by calling this snippet on pages where the user is logged in, replacing the properties with your users data. You should also call this when users submit subscribe forms or otherwise give you permission to email them. This code will also update existing users data.

Learn more about identifying users

_veroq.push(['user', {
  id: '123',
  email: '',
  first_name: 'Damien',
  last_name: 'Brzoska',
  subscription: 'medium'

3. Track an event

Track your users actions anywhere on your website by calling this snippet of Javascript. This can go anywhere on any page and the name you give your events is up to you. Along with these events, you can track event properties (meta data) that become very useful when personalising your emails. We encourage you to track as many events as you can: it gives you more power.

Learn more about tracking events

_veroq.push(['track', 'viewed product', {
  product_name: 'Red T-shirt',
  product_url: ''

4. View your data in Vero

Once you've started tracking customer and their event data into Vero. You can view this data in the Customers, Events and Logs sections.


  • Chris Hexton
    CEO and Co-Founder