Using arrays in your emails

Vero allows you to refer to properties stored against a customer using the Liquid templating language, these are commonly referred to as merge tags:

{{ user.first_name }}

Likewise, if you track a property with an event, you can reference it with:

{{ event.product_name }}

However there are many cases where you will want to use complex data, such as an array of products, in your outgoing emails.

Passing the array

If you were to track the following:

  _veroq.push(['track',{ products: [ {name: 'Item 123', price: 10},  {name: 'Item ABC', price: 20} ] }]);  

You could reference the array in your email using Liquid templating as follows:

{% for product in event.products %}
  {{}}: ${{product.price}}
{% endfor %}

Note: that you can store arrays as both customer and event-level properties.


  • Chris Hexton
    CEO and Co-Founder