Why is vero_id appended to links?

Vero automatically includes a parameter on each URL you add to an email campaign. When a customer clicks a link in a campaign, they are redirected to your site including this parameter.

The parameter is named vero_id and includes the unique ID of the user who has clicked the link. This is the same ID value you have sent to Vero when adding them using a CSV or via the API.

Adding this parameter enables Vero's Javascript library to automatically identify a user when they land on your site, even if they are not already identified. This enables cross-device tracking and ensures a more complete and accurate customer profile.

We can remove vero_id from the outgoing links in your emails at the click of a button. If you would like to remove vero_id, please email us at support@getvero.com.

When disabling appending vero_id to your campaigns, Vero's Javascript library will no longer automatically identify users when they click through from an email. If they have already been identified on the device they've used to click on the email, this will not have any impact, as they will already have a cookie stored. If they do not have a cookie already, this will mean they are not tracked for that session.


  • Chris Hexton
    CEO and Co-Founder