Exporting data to a Data Destination.

⚠️ This is a beta feature. Contact support@getvero.com for access.


Vero now offers a seamless way to export message, campaign and profile data to major data warehouses with minimal setup. This feature allows syncing historical and real-time message data directly into your own data infrastructure without relying on webhooks or complex ETL tools.

Key Features

  • One-Click Data Export: Easily enable data export from Vero to supported data warehouses.
  • Automatic Backfilling: Syncs historical data for comprehensive reporting.
  • Seamless Integration: Uses existing data source credentials to create a data destination.
  • Secure Connection: Ensures safe data handling via secure connection to your DWH.
  • Failure Alerts: Automated notifications for sync failures.

How to add a data destination

To use this feature, ensure you have a data source setup for the database you would like the data exported to. Once your data source is setup please contact support@getvero.com to have one of our team members setup the data source as a destination and start syncing data.

Exported data schema

Once running, Vero will sync the following tables to your data warehouse:


Field Name Data Type Example Description
id int 1274274 ID for the Vero campaign
title string New User Campaign The title of the Vero campaign
campaign_type string newsletter The type of campaign (newsletter or workflow)
campaign_channel string email The channel used for the campaign
conversion_event string cart_checkout The API event name used for conversion tracking
created_at timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the campaign was created
updated_at timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the campaign was last updated


Field Name Data Type Example Description
profile_id bigint 1841463542 User ID maintained by Vero
customer_id string 1841463542 User ID set by Vero's customer.
email string hello@getvero.com Email address associated with the profile
created_at timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the profile was created
updated_at timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the profile was last updated


Field Name Data Type Example Description
message_id bigint 32387920585 ID of the send
profile_id bigint 1841463542 User ID maintained by Vero
campaign_id int 1274274 ID for the Vero campaign
sent_to string hello@getvero.com Recipient address of the send
event_time timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the event was triggered


Field Name Data Type Example Description
message_id bigint 32387920585 ID of the send
profile_id bigint 1841463542 User ID maintained by Vero
campaign_id int 1274274 ID for the Vero campaign
event_time timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the event was triggered


Field Name Data Type Example Description
open_id string 32380535857_1735667150000000 Unique ID to account for multiple opens per message
message_id bigint 32387920585 ID of the send
profile_id bigint 1841463542 User ID maintained by Vero
campaign_id int 1274274 ID for the Vero campaign
user_agent string Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 15; Pixel 8 Build/AP4A.241205.013; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/131.0.6778.136 Mobile Safari/537.36 User agent of the client that opened the email
is_bot boolean true Whether the open was triggered by a bot
event_time timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the event was triggered


Field Name Data Type Example Description
click_id string 32394413331_1735657501000000 Unique ID to account for multiple clicks per message
message_id bigint 32387920585 ID of the send
profile_id bigint 1841463542 User ID maintained by Vero
campaign_id int 1274274 ID for the Vero campaign
user_agent string Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 15; Pixel 8 Build/AP4A.241205.013; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/131.0.6778.136 Mobile Safari/537.36 User agent of the client that clicked the link
is_bot boolean true Whether the click was triggered by a bot
url string https://www.getvero.com URL of the clicked link
event_time timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the event was triggered


Field Name Data Type Example Description
message_id bigint 32387920585 ID of the send
profile_id bigint 1841463542 User ID maintained by Vero
campaign_id int 1274274 ID for the Vero campaign
conversion_type string Type of conversion event
event_time timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the event was triggered


Field Name Data Type Example Description
message_id bigint 32387920585 ID of the send
profile_id bigint 1841463542 User ID maintained by Vero
campaign_id int 1274274 ID for the Vero campaign
reason string Reason for the unsubscribe
event_time timestamp 2024-12-31 01:18:30.000 Timestamp when the event was triggered


  • Rory Colsell