Adding content to an email campaign

The content your customers see when they open their inbox is arguably the most important aspect of any email campaign. Vero has multiple ways for you to add, create or edit email content, giving you flexibility to choose the best content for the job, and adapting to the way your team works.

Read on to learn about all the content types in Vero:

Drag and Drop


This is our 'no code' solution for creating visually-interesting email templates. Simply drag and drop content blocks into the canvas, edit your content in place or start from one of our example templates. With drag and drop, you can focus on the visual design and content of your email and let Vero do all the hard work to make sure your email is compatible with all the major email clients and devices. Drag and Drop content can also be saved as a template in Vero and used as the starting point for any campaign.

Learn more about using Drag and Drop content in Vero



Perfect for when you have existing HTML that you want to use and are comfortable making content changes directly in the code. The HTML editor lets you import code, edit the code directly, and see a live preview all in the same place. HTML content can also be saved as a template in Vero and used as the starting point for any campaign.

Learn more about using HTML content in Vero

Rich Text

Send a simple, no fuss text-based email with a more personal feel (similar to how you would in Gmail, etc). If you don't need a complex layout for your email content and want to send a message that has the personal touch of a real person, use the Rich text content editor.

Learn more about using Rich Text content in Vero

Plain Text


For those times you need zero styling and simply want to send some text. Plain text is the most basic of all content types, it has zero styling, not even bold or italics. Vero automatically sends an accompanying plain text version of your content with every email for compatibility, but selecting the plain text content type means you will be sending the plain text version only.

Learn more about using Plain Text content in Vero


  • Rory Colsell
    Head of Design