Creating an SMS message

Note: this feature is currently request-only. Please email us to request access.

Designing clear, good looking messages is a core part of any effective newsletter. Vero Connect gives you the tools to visually design and manage message content.

Choose your sending provider

You can add in multiple email addresses to use when designing email messages.

You can find more detailed steps on Setting up your "from" email address.

Adding SMS content

To add SMS content, simply type your message in the provided content area.

SMS messages only support basic, plain text and emojis 👍.

Personalising content using Liquid

Liquid is the templating language used by Vero that enables you insert "merge tags", such as {{user.first_name}}. With merge tags you can personalize the messages you send to your users based on data related to each recipient. Learn how to personalise content using Liquid.

You can use Liquid anywhere in your SMS message and use the "Insert data" button to easily find the merge tag for any of the fields you've provided with your audience. Vero supports most default Liquid functions, as well as a number of additional functions for convenience.

Read our Liquid personalization guide for a list of available functions.

Previewing your message

At the moment there's no way to preview your SMS message in Vero.
