Adding an audience to your campaign

What is an audience?

An audience is the group of users you'll be sending your campaign to. Once you've added an audience you'll be able to send your first campaign.

Adding your audience

Depending on where your user list and product data is stored you have several options to add your audience.

1. Upload your audience via CSV or Google Sheets

This is a very easy and straightforward way to add a list you have ready that is ready to send to. You can upload your list via the below integrations:

  • Importing a CSV
  • Google Sheet

Learn more about importing a CSV or connecting to Google Sheets.

2. Query your audience via a user database or data platform

You can connect Vero 2.0 an external SQL database and use Vero's SQL editor to run queries and load accurate, up-to-date data to create the perfect the audience for your campaign. The current database integrations supported include:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Redshift
  • Snowflake
  • BigQuery
  • MySQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server

Learn more about using SQL to define a newsletter audience and connecting to an external database.

Required audience data format

When importing an audience, Vero expects each row of data to contain at least an id column and either an email or phone_number column, depending on the campaign channel you're sending to (email vs. SMS).

In Vero, email addresses and phone numbers are referred to as endpoints and represent the unique identity of a specific user's device. You can read more about endpoints here.

Alongside the id and email or phone_number endpoint tokens, you can include up to 100 other, custom key/value properties per row. For example, your data might look like this:

id,email,first_name,last_name,revenue_last_month 1234,,Mckenna,Hill,49 5678,,Alvah,Schulist,199

In this example we include both an id and email address as well as three custom key/value properties: first_name, last_name and revenue_last_month.

Storing data

Vero 2.0 includes new features that enable you to load audiences from external data stores such as SQL databases or Google Sheets.

When importing an audience from an external data store, Vero 2.0 does not store all of the imported columns properties.

Vero does store the id, email, phone_number and other endpoints in order to stitch devices together into a single user profile (read more about identity stitching below).

As soon as you load an audience into the Vero 2.0 interface, Vero will store the id, email, phone_number (or other endpoint data) in the internal Veor database.

Identity stitching

Identity stitching is the process by which Vero associates messages you send to different devices to a single profile/user/person. For example, if you send an email to user A and later an SMS message to user A, identity stitching is the process of providing data so that Vero knows your messages were sent to the same user.

Audiences imported in Vero 2.0 follow the identity stitching rules outlined here.

Subscription management

By default, endpoints are deemed to be "subscribed" when imported in Vero 2.0 for the first time.

When importing an audience, Vero 2.0 will stitch profiles together (read more above). Audience members that are unsubscribed will be identified and their subscription status will be respected.

All id, email and phone_number values are stored as "subscribed" in Vero's internal subscription engine. Read more about managing subscription here.

Invalid audience members

When adding an audience Vero will scan the rows you've provided to ensure they're valid. To be valid the audience data must meet the data formatting requirements outlined above.

For each email address or phone_number, Vero will check to ensure it is valid. For example, the invalid email address invalid_email@gmail would be recognised and marked as invalid by Vero.

Personalisation of your content

When creating your message content you can reference any custom key/value properties that are included in your data source.

Learn how to personalise content using Liquid.

Removing an audience

You can remove a data source from a Newsletter and select an alternate data source to build your audience. To do so, simply select Remove data source when creating a Campaign.


  • Reba Moyes